“Wasting less energy is the better thing to do.”
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, a tool developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency, helps you measure and track the energy and water use, waste and materials, and greenhouse gas emissions of your buildings, all in a secure online environment. You can use the results to identify under-performing buildings, set investment priorities, verify efficiency improvements, and receive EPA recognition for superior energy performance.
By entering details about your property and consumption data, you can:
Assess whole building energy performance.
Track changes in energy, water, waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost over time.
Track green power purchases.
Create custom reports.
Share data with others
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
Training Videos
Benefits of Benchmarking
The Impact of Energy Benchmarking.
A number of market studies have shown that buildings with above average energy performance have higher occupancy rates, command higher rents and sell at a premium when compared to similar buildings. Results from cities with energy transparency ordinances indicate that properties commonly start seeing energy use and cost savings of 4-10% after the first one to two years that they have benchmarked.