Local governments play a crucial role in implementing policies to reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), an essential measure of traffic volume and greenhouse gas emissions. As urban areas continue to grow, so does the demand for transportation, leading to increased VMT and its associated challenges: congestion, air pollution, noise pollution, and climate change.

Reducing VMT is not merely about curbing individual travel but reshaping how communities are designed and connected. Policies for compact, mixed-use development can create walkable neighborhoods, reduce travel distances, and decrease reliance on personal vehicles. Well-integrated public transit systems and dedicated bike lanes can offer viable alternatives to driving, further diminishing VMT.

Moreover, fewer vehicle miles translate to improved air quality. Vehicle emissions are a significant source of pollutants, contributing to health issues like respiratory diseases and climate change. Thus, reducing VMT has direct health and environmental benefits.

Implementing policies such as congestion pricing, carpooling incentives, and telecommuting options also encourage behavioral shifts towards more sustainable commuting practices. Local governments' actions to lower VMT can result in more livable, equitable, and sustainable communities, enhancing overall quality of life.

Importantly, local policies that curtail VMT can also foster economic benefits. Reduced congestion increases productivity, and improved air quality can lower health costs. Investments in public transit and infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians can stimulate local economies while creating healthier and more connected communities.

In essence, local governments implementing policies to reduce VMT can yield far-reaching benefits. Through promoting sustainable transportation and land use patterns, they can improve public health, fight climate change, and create more livable and economically vibrant communities.

Below are key strategies for reducing community-wide VMT with successful examples for each.