In 2009, the City of Burnsville adopted the City’s first Sustainability Plan. The City was one of the first in Minnesota to create a Sustainability Plan and has used the plan to create many sustainability successes over the last decade. In the last 12 months, the City has been conducting outreach to the community to gather input on sustainability issues. Over that same time, the City has been working on an update the Sustainability Plan. This Sustainability Plan 2020 looks to reinforce the City’s sustainability goals and to provide focus and guidance on sustainability actions for the City to engage over the next decade.


The Draft Sustainability Plan 2020 is now available for review and input from the public.

This webpage gives you the opportunity to review each of the Sustainability Plan sections in as much detail as you wish and to provide us with your valuable input to help us refine and finalize the plan.

To review the plan, simply “click” on the topic images below (as well as the list to the left). On each topic you will be able to view the full draft plan section on that topic as well as provide feedback right on the page.

Sustainability Plan Sections

To review the plan, simply “click” on the topic images below (as well as the list to the left). On each topic you will be able to view the full draft plan section on that topic as well as provide feedback right on the page.

Section 01 Introduction

Section 01 Introduction

Section 05 Ground Cover

Section 05 Ground Cover

Section 06 Land Use

Section 06 Land Use

Section 07 Local Food

Section 07 Local Food