Kane County has been conducting outreach to the community to gather input on climate action issues.  In August 2022, the County engaged paleBLUEdot for the development of a Climate Action Implementation Plan (CAIP). The CAIP establishes goals and provides a menu of detailed actions aligning with the Regional Climate Action Plan. The CAIP seeks to be a tool supporting Kane County, its communities, businesses, and residents in identifying and implementing actions to increase our resilience and meet climate goals.

We Want Your Input on The Draft Kane County Climate Action Implementation Plan!
Draft Plan Review Open Through 2/29/24

The plan is now available for review.

This webpage gives you the opportunity to review the draft strategies and actions for each of the Climate Action Implementation Plan sections in as much detail as you wish and to provide us with your valuable input to help us refine and finalize the plan.

To review the plan, simply “click” on the topic images below (as well as the list to the left). On each topic you will be able to view the full draft plan section on that topic as well as provide feedback right on the page.

Tutorial Video on Using This Review Page

Climate Action Implementation Plan Sections

To review the plan, simply “click” on the topic images below (as well as the list to the left). On each topic you will be able to view the full draft plan section on that topic as well as provide feedback right on the page.

If you would like to download a copy of the DRAFT CAIP you can do so through 2/29/2024 here. NOTE - if you do download a copy, any comments you would like to provide will still need to be entered in the feedback forms on the review pages below.


Section Introduction


Section Appendices