Climate Action Plan Public Project Page
Creating the Maplewood Climate Action Plan
The City of Maplewood’s Comprehensive Plan outlined two major planning actions to prepare for and address the threat of climate change in our community. The first was the development of a plan to guide City actions to increase preparedness for the impacts of climate change. The second was the development of a plan to guide actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - the pollution that contributes to human-made climate change.
In 2021 the City of Maplewood completed a Climate Adaptation Plan, fulfilling the first guidance document envisioned by the City’s Comprehensive Plan. That plan gives guidance for City initiatives to increase community-wide climate resilience and strategies to help prepare for our changing climate.
The City of Maplewood has now turned its focus on establishing greenhouse gas reduction measures. Over the coming months, the City will be developing it’s first Climate Action Plan to identify goals, strategies, and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions community-wide as well as within City operations. This plan will be a companion plan document to the Climate Adaptation Plan.
Maplewood Climate Action Baseline Documents
A significant amount of research has been done as a foundation to the City’s work in preparing the Climate Action Plan. The research and preliminary recommendations included in these documents are intended simply as a starting point for the collaborative planning team which will be creating the plan. You can view these Baseline Documents below:
Climate Action Baseline Assessment
Renewable Energy Potentials Study
Greenhouse Gas Inventory
(Learn more here)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecast
Please visit this page again!
Once a draft Climate Action Plan is developed you will be able to access the document and provide feedback on the Draft through this webpage.
Take Maplewood’s Climate Action Survey
Please click here to give the City of Maplewood your input and help shape the City’s greenhouse gas reduction priorities.
The infographics below summarize some of the preliminary findings from the planning effort’s initial research and documentation.