We believe

We see a future that is authentically carbon neutral, fully sustainable, and that supports a higher quality of life for all.  We believe the challenges we face in making a transition to that future are, in fact, powerful opportunities to enhance economic vitality and equity.  We believe the time has come to make change personal, for individuals to understand the need for sustainability, and clean energy, and for us as individuals to understand and engage in carbon reduction responsibly.

the Co-Founders

Ted Redmond


  • Registered Architect with over 25 years of practice

  • Michigander by birth, Minnesota by adoptation

  • Most frequent adjectives used by others to describe me: tenacious, patient, goofy

  • Father for literally my entire adult life

Colleen Redmond


  • Educator and fellow explorer with gifted/talented students

  • Mother of three and zoo keeper to animal menagerie

  • Design Thinker, Nature Lover, Bike Enthusiast

  • Married to one of the other co-founders