paleBLUEdot was selected by the City of Dubuque for the City’s 2020 updated climate action planning effort. The City of Dubuque is located on the Mississippi River in northeastern Iowa, adjacent to Illinois and Wisconsin. As Iowa’s oldest city, Dubuque is a community well known for its historic and architectural beauty. The City is approximately 30 square miles in area, with a population approaching 60,000 persons.
The City of Dubuque government works in collaboration with private and non-profit sectors to develop the principles of sustainability. Dubuque’s framework for sustainability is centered on economic prosperity, environmental integrity, and social/cultural vibrancy. The Climate Action Plan will be developed to review and confirm or update the City’s 50% by 2030 reduction goal based on current climate science. When completed, the Climate Action Plan will be used to guide the City’s actions over the next 10 years, mapping out city-wide and City Operations energy, climate, and sustainability strategies.
The paleBLUEdot Climate Action Plan effort will include:
Detailed review of City Greenhouse Gas Inventory and characteristics
Development of greenhouse gas reduction strategies for emissions in the categories of: Buildings and Energy, Transportation, Land Use, Water and Waste Water, Municipal Solid Waste, and Local Food.
Leading Climate Action Planning Public Engagement
Designing, convening, and hosting a Dubuque Youth Climate Forum for youth focused engagement
Development of the Climate Action Plan and Implementation Matrix
Development of Communications Campaign for the first year of climate action implementation
The paleBLUEdot team is honored to work with the City of Dubuque in their on-going climate and sustainability effort.
The paleBLUEdot team provides a wide range of expert consultant services supporting community resilience, including Climate Action Planning, Sustainability Consulting, and Renewable Energy Planning. Learn more about paleBLUEdot's Climate Action Planning services here.